Friday, July 14, 2017

The Daily Star Vocabulary: Editorial [ 14 July 2017 ]

Foregoing the benefits of demographic dividend

A costly mistake

Since 2007, Bangladesh has had more people of working age than non-working, known as demographic dividend. All indicators, however, show that we have failed to accommodate the large numbers of people willing to work into the workforce, let alone benefit from our demographic dividend. This is a huge failure on our part as it is precisely by making the most of their demographic dividends that many other Asian countries, such as China and Japan, have managed to rapidly develop their respective economies.But it is not only that we have failed to benefit, it is also that by being unable to provide millions of people, particularly the youth, with jobs, we have also disillusioned them and have forced them towards various activities that actually exert different forms of social costs on society and the economy in general. These may include getting involved in criminal activities, resorting to substance abuse, etc., which in turn increases security and health expenditure costs among others.As this newspaper reported, there are about 7 million people who are currently underutilised. Worryingly, the number of jobs that are being added every year is a measly 1.4 million, drastically down from the 4 million that had been added between 2010 and 2013.As economists and other experts have suggested, in order to turn the tide, the government badly needs to increase investment in the education and health sectors and do it intelligently. Only a holistic approach involving different stakeholders can now make up the ground that has been lost because of poor policies of the past.


 Foregoing  = পরিহার করে চলা, ত্যাগ করা, এড়িয়ে যাওয়া
demographic  = জনসংখ্যাতাত্ত্বিক
dividend = প্রদেয় অর্থ, লভ্যাংশ, ভাজ্য
indicators = সূচক, নির্দেশক
accommodate  = বাসস্থান প্রদান করা,
demographic dividend = মানব বিভাজন
respective  = নিজ নিজ, স্ব স্ব
disillusioned  = সুখস্বপ্ন ভেঙে দেয়া
exert  = প্রয়োগ করা, প্রদর্শন করা
resorting to = আশ্রয় নেয়া
substance abuse = আনন্দ পাওয়া বা কর্মশক্তি বৃদ্ধির জন্য মাদক গ্রহণ করা
underutilised = অব্যবহৃত, কমব্যবহৃত
Worryingly = আশংকাজনকভাবে
measly  = নগণ্য, অতি অল্প
drastically  = আকস্মিকভাবে, জোরালোভাবে
drastically down = হঠাৎ কম
turn the tide = পরিস্থিতির পরিবর্তন করা, শ্রোতের গতিপথ পরিবর্তিত করা, ঘটনার  গতিপথ পরিবর্তন করা, ঘটনা অন্যদিকে নিয়ে যাওয়া
holistic approach = সামগ্রিক পদক্ষ

The Daily Star Vocabulary [1 4 July 2017 ]

9 rivers cross danger line

No possibility of major flooding now, but heavy rains in India next month may abruptly change Met forecast


At least nine rivers, including the Jamuna, Teesta, Dharla, Surma and the Kushiyara, are flowing above the danger level, but experts say that will neither worsen nor prolong the current flooding.
However, there is a possibility of a fresh flood if it rains heavily in the northeastern states of neighbouring India, they add.
The water level of the Jamuna (the Brahmaputra in India) began to rise on June 30 and the swelling river caused floods in the northern region. But the water will flow down to the central part of the country in a day or two.
“The situation is likely to improve," said Sazzad Hossain, executive engineer of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre.
"There is a forecast of heavy rains in India but the flood situation in the northern region of Bangladesh may not get worse as there was no heavy downpour in Assam in the last two days.”
Ruling out a prolonged or heavy flooding in a week or two, he said the Brahmaputra keeps swelling but the water level of the Ganges is far below the danger mark.
"The flood situation in the country would turn worse if the water levels of the Brahmaputra and the Ganges cross the danger mark     simultaneously. But the Ganges is currently flowing four metres below the line."
However, it is hard to say what will happen in August or September as the forecasting centre is not able to make projections beyond one week based on the available data.
The situation will largely depend on how much it rains in the upstream of the Ganges basin in the coming days, Sazzad Hossain said.
India Meteorological Department has warned of heavy rains this monsoon in a number of Indian states, including Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and West Bengal, raising the possibility of a fresh deluge.
There is also a forecast of heavy downpour in northeastern states of India, including Mizoram, Monipur, Sikkim, Tripura and Bihar.
Downpours in all these states would directly affect northern Bangladesh as the water would roll down to that region through the Jamuna and the Teesta.
Dhaka Met office said there is no forecast of long-term heavy rain in Bangladesh. But there will be “normal downpours” in August and September.
Many rivers that stream down to the Bangladesh plains from the northeastern states of India are fed with heavy rains this year. Within just three weeks of the start of this monsoon season, an early flood occurred in Sylhet region and another flood in the northern region.
The situation in the Sylhet region started to improve as the water of the Surma and Kushiyara receded a few days back. But their levels are again on the rise.
Out of 90 observing stations in the country, 70 show rising trends with water flowing above the danger level at 14 points.
In Assam, heavy showers in the upstream caused severe flood for the last few weeks inundating 20 districts and affecting thousands of people.
However, Bangladesh will not see a massive flooding like that of 1998 or 1988, said Dr Rashed Chowdhury, climatologist at the Pacific ENSO Applications Climate Centre, University of Hawaii.
"I think Bangladesh will experience a normal or slightly above normal flooding in 2017,” he said.
In a “normal flood”, at least 30,000 square kilometres of area is inundated, experts say. The current flood affected 13 districts, including five in the northern region, but it is still “below normal”.
Rashed, who has been doing research on El Nino and La Nina and long-term flood forecasting method, said Bangladesh's flood is highly correlated with strong La Nina        event which is not present at the moment.
El Nino and La Nina are complex weather patterns caused by variations in ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific.

14 July 2017

The Daily Star Vocabulary

abruptly  = আচমকা, আকস্মিকভাবে
worsen = make worse, অবস্থার অবনতি

Met = আবহাওয়া
Met forecast = আবহাওয়ার পূর্বাভাষ
prolong = দীর্ঘায়িত করা/হওয়া
downpour = প্রচুর বৃষ্টিপাত
simultaneously = একই সাথে, একই সময়ে
projections  = অভিক্ষেপণ, পেণ
Meteorological = আবহাওয়া সংক্রান্ত
deluge = প্লাবন, জলোচ্ছ্বাস, ধারাসম্পাত
roll down = বেয়ে নিচে নামা
Met office = আবহাওয়া অফিস, আবহাওয়া দফ্তর
receded  = হ্রাস পাওয়া
inundating  = প্লাবিত হওয়া
climatologist  = পরিবেশবিদ
Equatorial = বিষুবরেখা সংক্রান্ত

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Daily Star Vocabulary [13 July 2017]

Rice crisis catches Qamrul napping

This year's unusual hike in rice prices caught Food Minister Qamrul Islam napping.
Both Qamrul and the ministry he leads seemed ill prepared all along, but the minister has his own logic for that.“I'm no astrologer,” he told The Daily Star, "How could I possibly anticipate that there would be such a devastating flood?"He was, of course, referring to the flashfloods that washed away 10 lakh tonnes of Boro rice, the only rice Haor farmers grow in a year.

True, it was anyone's guess that flashfloods would strike the vast backswamp in the northeast as early as March.But the writing was on the wall. If only Qamrul and his men could read and act accordingly!Rice reserve in public granaries was on the slides and the staple's prices were shooting up since January. Policy think-tanks and the media had been persistent in sounding cautions against the free falling of food stock.On top of the yearly food-aid programmes, the government initiated a new Tk 10-a-kg rice programme for 50 lakh ultra poor in late 2016. Qamrul's ministry distributed over seven lakh tonnes of rice from the government silos under this new programme, dubbing it as the prime minister's “Branding Programme” but never making any effort to replenish the fast depleting stock.

It didn't occur to the food ministry that it has to either locally procure or import rice to refill the granaries. It didn't also pursue policy measures, such as duty cuts on import, which would encourage private procurement from global market. The duty on rice import was 28 percent at the time, discouraging private importers from procuring the staple from international market.
Ultimately, the market forces came into play in a nasty way, with private traders and rice millers finding the moment ripe to go for a windfall through price hike. Qamrul eventually moved to import rice, but it was too late. Already, prices of rice, especially the coarse ones consumed by the poor, hit a 47 percent increase on year-on-year basis.

It remains a riddle why the food ministry allowed the year-end food stock to dip below five lakh tonnes (in June FY2017) whereas the rice stock was nine lakh tonnes in FY2016, 13 lakh tonnes in FY2015 and over 10 lakh tonnes in the two preceding years.

With the government having so poor a stock and the early flashfloods destroying much of the Haor's Boro output, the predominantly private sector-led grain market seized the opportunity, much to the agony of low-income consumers.

"We had three lakh tonnes of rice in hand in April and I thought we'll be able to replenish the stock by a good Boro purchase during May-June. But that didn't happen. That's why we're now importing rice to stabilise the market," Qamrul told this paper.

But he never explained what stopped his ministry and the food department from early import when it was clear that food stock had already dipped to a six-year low.
Private sector import almost came to a grinding halt due to government foot-dragging on relaxing the heavy import duty slapped in FY2014-15. Only on June 20, the duty was cut down to 10 percent, facilitating late entry of some relatively cheap rice from India.

Because of the delay in making the import decision, the government now has to pay more as rice prices on international market have gone up in the past two months.
In May, the food department could get 1 lakh tonnes of rice at Tk 346.24 crore. But in June, the government imported 2.5 lakh tonnes of rice for Tk 908.85 crore from Vietnam.
The government is now considering importing rice from Thailand, where export prices of white rice rose by 10 percent, the highest since August 2014, according to the Thailand Trade Commission.
This means, the government will have to commit more money when it strikes a deal, expected next week, to import Thai rice.

Back in April, the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) had cautioned the government: "Rising food inflation since January 2017 needs to be closely monitored in view of its adverse effect on the poorer households. Rising rice price in recent months in the backdrop of declining public stock appears to be the major cause that is pushing food inflation upward. At present, coarse rice price is about 24 percent higher than a year ago. Also, average rice price in Bangladesh is about 27.9 percent higher than that in India."

The country's leading independent think-tank also observed that "Curiously, distribution of rice and wheat saw a strong growth (12.3 per cent) in the backdrop of the decline in import, procurement and stock figures."

The thought of low food stock occurred to the food ministry only in June when, for the first time, Qamrul acknowledged before parliament that the government's rice stock was indeed low. He then said the process to import six lakh tonnes of rice was underway.
Data point to a negative correlation between stock and price. Coarse rice was selling below Tk 31 a kg when stock was 10 lakh tonnes. But it shot up to Tk 35 as the stock slipped below 10 lakh tonnes, to Tk 39 when it slid below eight lakh tonnes and to Tk 43 as the stock dipped below six lakh tonnes.
Agricultural economist Jahangir Alam told The Daily Star that although some rice was lost in the Haor flashfloods, the price should not have jumped so high. He questioned why the government allowed its rice stock to deplete in the first place.

"Why have they [food ministry and food directorate] failed to keep the minimum security stock of rice in the granaries?” said Ilahi Dad Khan, former director of the food directorate who had a crucial crisis management role during the 2007-08 global economic meltdown and the 2011 rice shortage.
“They should have noticed well in advance that how fast the food godowns were drying up due to continuous operations of open market sale (OMS) since January and exhausting of stock through distributions under the Tk 10/per kg rice distribution programme.”

During his time in the food directorate, there was always an effort to keep one million tonnes of food (rice and wheat) stock reserve in the godowns, he said.
Dr AMM Shawkat Ali, former caretaker government adviser who was agriculture secretary in late 1990s, said the government should have allowed private traders to import rice by reducing the high duty much earlier.

“What took the government so long to go for the duty cut?” he wondered.
Director General of Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) Dr KAS Murshid noted the food ministry should have moved fast to replenish stock when they were releasing rice in big volume for distribution among the ultra poor at Tk 10/kg.
But this is not the first time that Qamrul and his ministry acted late.
About two years ago, when wheat stock dried up in government silos, the food department hurriedly imported over two lakh tonnes of substandard wheat from a new market -- Brazil.
The grain quality and insect infestation sparked a huge outcry across the country. Even ruling Awami League men put up barricades at places, blocking entry of the consignments into public granaries. Later, the minister had to declare in parliament that they would not import wheat from Brazil any more and acknowledged that "the wheat looks bad."

In the very next domestic wheat growing season, Bangladesh experienced, for the first time in Asia, blast (fungal disease) in wheat. That caused a huge crop loss in wheat and scientists later confirmed the emergence of wheat blast in Bangladesh was caused by a South American lineage of fungus.
The government never investigated if there was any direct link between the import from Brazil and the blast attack, but among the scientific fraternity there is a strong suspicion that there is.

13 JULY 2017

The Daily Star

catch sb napping = (ভুল করার সময় )

অতর্কিতে/অপ্রস্তুত অবস্থায় ধরে ফেলা,

অস্বাস্তিতে ফেলে দেয়া
 nap = ইষৎ নিদ্রা (বিশেষত দিনের বেলা)
 ill prepared = অপ্রস্তুত
anticipate = আন্দাজ করা, অনুমান করা
devastating = ধ্বংসাত্মক
flashfloods  = আচানক বন্যা, হঠাৎ বন্যা
washed away = বয়ে নিয়ে যাওয়া, ধুয়ে নিয়ে


backswamp = নিম্ন জলাভূমি, বন্যার পরে

যেখানে পলি জমে থাকে।

(floodplain = নদীর পারের সমতল ভূমি যা

বন্যা হলেই প্লাবিত হয়।)
all along = একেবারে শুরু থেকেই
be anyone's guess  = কারো অজানা থাকা, 

কেউ না জানা
the writing is on the wall = সুস্পষ্ট

ইঙ্গিত আছে
granaries = শস্যভাণ্ডার
public granaries = সরকারি শস্যভাণ্ডার
on the slides = হ্রাস পাওয়া, ঘাটতি দেখা

think-tanks = বিশেষজ্ঞগণ
free falling = দ্রুত পতন, দ্রুত হ্রাস পাওয়া
cautions  = সতর্কতা, সাবধানতা
On top of = তার উপর
ultra poor = হত দরিদ্র
silos = খাদ্য গুদাম, শস্য সংরক্ষণ কাজে

নির্মিত বায়ুনিরোধক ঘর বা গর্ত
dubbing  = খেতাব দেয়া
depleting = শূন্য করা, খালি করা
replenish = নতুন সরবরাহ করা
occur to = মনে আসা
procure  = সংগ্রহ করা, অর্জন করা, আহরণ

came into play = ব্যবহার করা, আচরণ করা,

প্রভাব বিস্তার করা
windfall = অপ্রত্যাশিত অর্থ
riddle  = প্রহেলিকা, ধাঁধা
dip below = নির্দিষ্ট পরিমাণ থেকে কম হওয়া
predominantly = প্রধানত
agony  = মর্মবেদনা, সন্তাপ
come to a grinding halt = হঠাৎ থেমে যাওয়া, হঠাৎ থমকে যাওয়া
foot-dragging  = গড়িমসি, সময় ক্ষেপন
slapped  = কর ইত্যাদি আরোপ করা
facilitating  = সহজ করা, সুবিধা দেয়া
monitored  = পর্যবেক্ষণ করা
adverse = প্রতিকূল
 in the backdrop of  = প্রেক্ষাপটে, প্রেক্ষিতে
hurriedly  = তড়িঘড়িকরে
substandard  = নিম্নমানের
infestation = উপদ্রব, উৎপাত, পোকার আক্রমণ
sparked  = তাৎক্ষণিক সৃষ্টি করা
outcry  = প্রতিবাদ
consignments = প্রেরিত মাল, একত্রে প্রেরিত মালসমূহ
acknowledged  = স্বীকার করা, মেনে নেয়া
emergence = আবির্ভাব, উত্থান
fraternity = ভ্রতৃত্ব,ভ্রতৃসমাজ

Collected by : Masumkhan
Mobile: 01912007750

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Daily Star Vocabulary [12 July 2017 ]

Bleeding from bad loans

Accumulated defaulted loans badly affect banking sector, whole economy


Ballooning   bad loans are crippling not only the banking sector but also the national economy as a whole as the authorities fail to recoup the loan money from big businesses, many of whom are willful defaulters, analysts say.

The ripple effects reach far and wide far and wide = ব্যাপকহারে, দূর দূর পর্যন্ত, দিগদিগন্তে . To start with, banks cannot convert savings into loanable funds as they have to keep aside the amount equivalent to the bad loans as provision, which they cannot invest to maintain stability. As a result, banks' cost of funds shoots up and lending rates get higher.

All of this affects the banks' profit margin, scope of business expansion and the plan for job creation, according to experts.

Things are getting worse by the day as borrowers from some leading corporate groups to little-known businesses have been taking away depositors' money, never to return it.

Eight state-run banks are the worst victims as a fourth of their loans have gone bad.
As of April, the accumulated default loans in the economy is Tk 111,347 crore, which is higher than the development spending last fiscal year, as disclosed by Finance Minister AMA Muhith in parliament on Monday. The figure includes the written off loans totaling nearly Tk 40,000 crore.
Bangladesh Bank data show nonperforming loans account for 10.53 percent of the total outstanding loans. But analysts say the figure would have been much higher if loans had not been rescheduled and restructured.
In 2015, for example, the BB allowed large borrowers, with at least Tk 500 crore loans, to restructure their loans. Around Tk 15,000 crore were restructured that year alone.

Analysts say there is no record of anyone being punished for willful defaults. Such inaction is encouraging unscrupulous businesses and individuals to become defaulters willingly.

Experts think there is a lack of political will to deal with loan defaults, on which India has been cracking down for the last two years.

Prof Mustafizur Rahman, distinguished fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), said growing bad loans were impeding further economic growth as banks' lending capacity gets tightened and good clients could not get loans at lower rates.

Taking mortgage or collateral against loans at inflated price has become another big problem for banks that fail to sell mortgaged assets whose market prices are much lower than the loans, he added.
State-owned BASIC Bank is the victim of this practice as many little-known businesses took loans giving mortgages at inflated prices between 2009 and 2013 when Sheikh Abdul Hye Bacchu was chairman.

“We have been pursuing the government for the past three years to set up a commission for banks. But it did not pay any heed to the proposal,” said Prof Mustafizur.

If the commission was mandated to reform the sector, accountability, transparency and governance would have improved in the crippled banking industry, he added.

Zaid Bakht, an economist and current chairman of state-owned Agrani Bank, said use of loan money in unproductive sector, such as to buy land or to launder it, is detrimental to economic growth.
“Had the borrowers utilised the money in productive activities, they could have paid their loans back,” he said.

Willful defaulters take the advantage of legal loopholes, said a senior official of a state-owned Bank.
The official added they were pressing a borrower to pay back around Tk 500 crore. In response, the borrower went to the court that gave him 12 years' time with three years' moratorium.

Four state banks -- Sonali, Janata, Agrani and Rupali -- are feeling the pinch of these legal loopholes. The recovery of some Tk 27,700 crore loans remains uncertain because of court orders. Of the sum, over Tk 14,000 crore was taken from Sonali Bank.

The managing director of a private bank voiced the same concern.
Helal Ahmed Chowdhury, former managing director of Pubali Bank, said a task force could be formed to heal the ailing banking sector.

“But political will is a must for that,” said Helal, also a supernumerary professor at the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management.
About the court orders, the veteran banker said banks had to overcome the problem with the help of the court.

Analysts also cited the example of India, which has been dealing with bad loans effectively in recent years.
Last year, India's central bank decided to clean up the balance sheets of Indian banks, which are collectively saddled with Rs 6 lakh crore bad loans, equivalent to 9 percent of the total outstanding loans in the economy.

After the Reserve Bank of India's order, banks have started cracking the whip on Indian companies for repayment of loans. Leading corporate houses, including Reliance, Tata, Birla and Essar, were forced to sell their prized assets to repay their bank loans.

Analysts also point out that enforcement of laws in India is much stronger than in Bangladesh.
For example, liquor baron Vijay Mallya, who is accused of defaulting Rs 9,000 crores in loans, was arrested from London in April.

Subrata Roy, chief of Sahara Group, which was the sponsor of India's national cricket team for years, is in jail for over two years now, for allegedly embezzling Rs 24,000, which he did not pay back to investors.

 ===========================Translation and Vocabulary========================

12 July 2017

The DailyStar

News Analysis and Translation

Ballooning = বড় হওয়া, বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া, আকার, ওজন এবং গুরুত্বের দিক দিয়ে বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া, বেলুনের মতে ফোলা।
bad loans = অপরিশোধিত ঋণ।
crippling  = পঙ্গু করে দেয়া
recoup  = পুষিয়ে নেয়া/দেয়া
 wilful /willful defaulters = ইচ্ছাকৃত ঋণখেলাপি
 analysts  = বিশ্লেষকগণ

ripple effects =  when one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects, etc এমন প্রভাব,ঘটনা যা আরো ঘটনা/প্রভা সৃষ্টি করে, এমন সমস্যা যা আরো অন্য সমস্যা সৃষ্টি করে।  উদহরণঃ
    The bank crash has  had  a ripple effect  on  the whole community.

far and wide = ব্যাপকহারে, দূর দূর পর্যন্ত, দিগদিগন্তে

convert = পরিনত করা, রুপান্তরিত করা
loanable funds  = ঋণযোগ্য তাহবিল
 keep aside = সরিয়ে রাখা, হাতে রাখা
equivalent to = সমমূল্যের, সমার্থক
as provision = ভবিষ্যৎ প্রয়োজনের জন্য প্রস্তুতি, শর্ত, ধারা
invest  = বিনিয়োগ করা
maintain stability = স্থিতিশীলতা বজায় রাখা
stability  =স্থিতিশীলতা 
shoots up = দ্রুত বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া
get higher = বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া
profit margin = লাভের সূচক, খরচ বাদে লাভ
business expansion = ব্যবসায় সম্প্রসারণ
getting worse = অধিকতর খারাপ হওয়া
borrowers  = ঋণগ্রহিতা,
leading = নেতৃস্থানীয়, প্রধান, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ
depositors = আমানতকারী
state-run = রাষ্ট্রায়ত্ব,
accumulated = পুঞ্জভূত করা, জমা করা
default loans = অনাদায়ী ঋণ, অনাদায়কৃত ঋণ
fiscal year = অর্থ বছর
disclosed  = প্রকাশ করা, ফাঁস করা
written off  = অনাদায় ধরে নেয়া
written off loans = অনাদায় ধরে নেয়া ঋণ
nonperforming loans = নিষ্ক্রিয় ঋণ হিসাব
outstanding loans = অনাদায়কৃত ঋণ
rescheduled = নতুন তারিখ দেয়া
restructured = পূনঃগঠণ করা
inaction  = নিষ্ক্রিয়তা
encouraging  = উৎসাহিত করা
unscrupulous  = অবিবেচক, বিবেকহীন
cracking down = শৃঙ্খলামূলক শাস্তির ব্যবস্থা করা
distinguished  = প্রখ্যাত, বিশিষ্ট
fellow  = সভ্য, সদস্য
impeding  = বাধাগ্রস্ত করা, ব্যাহত করা
tightened = সঙ্কীর্ণ
clients  = ভোক্তা
mortgage  = বন্ধক, রেহান
mortgage = ঋণ আদায় নিশ্চিত করার জন্য অতিরিক্ত জামানত
inflated price = স্ফীত মূল্য/দাম
State-owned = রাষ্ট্রীয় মালিকানাধীন
pursuing = তাড়া করা, পশ্চদ্ধাবন করা
pay any heed = কর্ণপাত করা
mandate = ক্ষমতা অর্পণ করা, ক্ষমতা দেয়া
reform  = সংস্কার করা
accountability = জবাবদিহিতা
transparency  = স্বচ্ছতা
governance = কর্তৃত্ব, পরিচালনা
launder  = পাচার করা
detrimental  = ক্ষতিকর, হানিকর
loopholes = ফাঁক, ছিদ্র
legal loopholes = আইনের ফাঁকফোকর
moratorium = ঋণশোধ বিলম্বিত করার জন্য আইনসম্মতভাবে অর্জিত অধিকার
pinch = চিম্টি
feeling the pinch = অর্থের অভাব অনুভব করা
voiced  = প্রকাশ করা, ব্যক্ত করা
taskforce = কার্যনির্বাহী দল
supernumerary professor  = অতিরিক্ত অধ্যাপক
veteran  = প্রবীণ, বিজ্ঞ
saddled with = গুরুদায়ীত্ব অর্পণ করা
cracking the whip = চাবুক চালানো, কাজের গতি বাড়াতে অন্যের উপর চাপ প্রয়োগ করা
repayment  = পরিশোধ করা
liquor baron =  মদ ব্যবসায়ী
baron = কোন ব্যবসায় ক্ষমতাধর ব্যক্তি
sponsor = দাতা, দাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান
embezzling  = আত্মসাৎ করা

Collected by : Masumkhan

Mobile: 01912007750

Confusing Spelling and Pronunciation বিভ্রান্তিকর বানান ও উচ্চারণ

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